Roll the Dice!

Is a polyhedral die in my future?  Let's let the dice decide!!
For years, I've been tormented daily at which series to watch on my home theatre.  Is it an Indiana Jones evening, a Transformers afternoon, or time for an Avengers super set?  Well, no longer to worry, for I have gone to THE DICE to decide.  Yes, those multi-sided friends that I used to determine my fate in Dungeons and Dragons all those years ago will now aide me in making the most problematic decision of the day.

Now, if you're a fan of The Big Bang Theory, this all may sound familiar: in season 5, Sheldon uses dice to determine, among other things, what he will eat, what percentage of his face to shave, and whether he will wear underwear or not on any given day.  While I promise not use this sort of randomness to determine the latter or the middle, the former does also have its allure.  Dinner and meal choices in general are sometimes so debateable in my house, that I would rather eat glass or ticks.

But here's the funniest part: I hadn't seen this BBT episode before I made my decision to use dice!  I swear that Sheldon and I are linked.  But what does the die have to say about that?  Read how I created this system while I roll...

I have a 10-sided die and 20 films.  Here's the list:
1.       Lord of the Rings
2.       Indiana Jones
3.       Fast and Furious
4.       Marvel
5.       Harry Potter
6.       Pirates
7.       Star Wars
8.       Back to the Future
9.       Transformers
10.   DC
11.   Godfather
12.   Tron
13.   Underworld
14.   Terminator
15.   National Treasure
16.   Toy Story
17.   Matrix
18.   Jurassic Park
19.   Blockbuster Rental
20.   Blockbuster Rental
I will first roll a 6-sided die to determine high or low (1-3 for low, 4-6 for high), then the 10-sided die for the series.  Each evening, I can let the die decide if I choose another series or continue forward with that one.

Love an old television show but can't decide which one to watch?  Grab a 10-sided die with numbers 0-9 and a second 10-side with 10-90 and you've got the episode number.  A roll of 30 + 2= Episode 32, which in BBT terms is 32nd episode of the series titled "The Maternal Capacitance."  To add more randomness, throw in a 6-sided die to determine how many episodes you'll watch before rolling for the specific ones.  Awesome!!!
Well, I just rolled on my question, and the dice said that Sheldon and I are in fact linked.  Thanks, Dice!  Your're the best!!
